San Bernardino

City-Bike, MTB

From the San Bernardino resort of San Bernardino, follow the Moesa River and proceed on a rapid descent southwards.


Surrounded by rock faces, you speed along a high-quality asphalted road and on reaching Mesocco, the ruins of the castle of the same name dominate from the top of a rocky spur and are definitely worth a visit!


The view over the valley is wonderful and since the start of the trip the climate zones have changed considerably: down here the climate is milder, almost Mediterranean.


A restorative break to spoil your palate with typical dishes in one of the cool grotti in the lower Mesolcina is a must before reaching the medieval town of Bellinzona with its magnificent UNESCO World Heritage castles and its Lombard charm.

Technical details

Technical difficulty

Livello tecnico 0

Physical condition

Distance [km]

50 km
Height difference [m]

300 m


Full day

Points of interest
  • San Bernardino

  • Rovine castello Mesocco
  • Villaggio terrazzato di Soazza
  • Val Calanca
  • Rent a bike
  • Guided tour
  • Picnic


SwitzerlandMobility Map

GPS Track


BikePort Sagl
Viale Stazione 36b

6500 Bellinzona


Tel. +41 91 243 09 78




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